Thursday, July 26, 2007

First post

Hi there.

This subject of global warming has me all confused!
It has become such a complicated issue and I am finding it hard to connect it all to my life and the impact that I am making?
Another way to put it is that, I want to worry about this but I do not exactly know how to?

For example: I have decided to keep my holiday more local, but is it better to fly to my holiday destination, or do I drive my family there? which option will emit less CO2 in the end?
Should I still take my family on holidays to the far off destination by plane, because if the tourist industry in this location collapses then the people there will revert to some activities that are far more polluting and the net result will be bad? And then if I want to budget into my holiday an investment to offset the CO2 that my holiday produced, how much money and where do I put it? locally to me or my holiday destination? Where do I find out how to do this?.....?...? and the list of questions goes on and on

With all the information that is being thrown at us on this subject, it is becoming harder and harder to be responsible and easier and easier to turn your head and live with the guilt of each little thing we do basically as before.

As the introductory entry to this blog, what I would like to do is to shine a light from the grass roots level, from the average consumers point of view on this subject.

I am just like you!
but I am going to try to make my little difference and share what I learn with you.
Hence the name of this blog: 1 tonne - the goal is to have all the members of my family personally emit 1 tonne of CO2 per year. Don't know if I can do it, but I think it is worth trying.

Wish me luck.

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